Friday, November 10, 2017

Week of November 13

This week marks the beginning of the 3 six weeks. 

Grades are due to Mrs. Tomas no later than 12 pm Monday 11/13.

A few areas need to be addressed.  Dress code is starting to be dropped in some classes.  I have been doing a few walk-throughs and noticed students being allowed to have nose rings and hats on during class time.  We can not give mixed signals to the students.  The expectation is ALL teachers will follow the guidelines.  By not following policy you are undermining your peers thus creating frustration.  Do not leave your classroom unattended.  

According to district policy grade books are to be update weekly.  The high school has a Monday 5 p.m. expectation.

Parent contact logs are due to your appraiser by next Friday November 17.  Remember all students who failed for the six weeks requires a parental contact.  This needs to be in person, email, or phone call.

Please make sure that any special education or 504 student who has failed is appropriately documented.  We have had parents dispute things from a previous school year and request documentation.  Proper documentation covers you from possible issues.  I have an administrator friend who just had to turn over documentation to T.E.A. that included over 30,000 references to a student.

Next Week Activities

11/16-11/18 jv boys basketball @ wells tournament
11/17 ASVAB testing
11/17 girls basketball vs woodville
11/17 football playoff game

The Trophy Case

The Environmental class hiked the Big Thicket Kirby Trail and toured the Visitor Center in Kountze last week.

Congratulations to this year's volleyball team on another successful season.  Unfortunately the season ended this past week after going three rounds int he state playoffs.  Kudos to Coach Hicks, Haynes, and Holmes on a great job!