Thursday, November 2, 2017

Week of November 6

This week marks the end of the 2nd six weeks.  We are officially 2 weeks away from the Thanksgiving break.  This has been a tumultuous start to a school year.  It is hard to believe we are already a third of the way through this school year.

Thank you with the emergency evacuation this past week.  Originally I had scheduled a drill to occur, but I did not plan on it being a real situation.  Many teachers need to update their rosters.  Regardless if you think it is "just" a drill or not please follow procedures.  The second alarm was set off by a student.  We had a couple students out of class roaming who created the issue..  Do not let students out of your class unless it is an emergency.  Use best professional judgement when determining such times. Only 1 student should be out at a time regardless.

We have had an English teacher resign last week.  While the position will be posted the entire department has stepped up to take care of our students.  They all deserve major kudos.

The campus advisory team will be meeting this week 11/9 and working on the new vision and mission.

Coordination Day is occurring.  Make sure you visit room 145.

We will begin the Enrichment schedule next Tuesday  11/7.  ELA and History will be the first groups focused on for day one.

Our annual Veteran Day Program will be next Thursday.  This will be an AM Event.  Unless you have a special circumstance all staff will need to park in the visitor parking lot of the stadium.

Onto a lighter note........

Remember those days of cooking those holiday cookies,🍪 🍰etc.with momma or grandma......the good memories those times created?  Please forward any holiday recipes and stories associated with those recipes.  I would like to share between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Activities Next Week

11/5 Jr Football League in gyms
11/6 AVID Parent Night @ 6:30
11/7 girls basketball vs HJ
11/8 baseball boosters in cafeteria @ 6
11/9 Veteran Day Program am event
11/9 boys basketball @ galena park scrimmage
11/9 Boys and Girls Club banquet at 6 pm
11/9-11/11 girls jv basketball @ hf tournament
11/9 9th grade football vs Cleveland
11/10 football vs Cleveland
11/11  Outlaw Firework Expo in building

The Trophy Case

The band at the moment it was announced that they received all 1s for their competition performance.  Awesome job!  I hope to have some actual performance pictures in the near future.

"Our robotics team, SHS GOLD! opened their season in Galveston's Ball High School last Saturday.  They piled wins in the afternoon and advanced to the tournament finals where they nearly upset the top seeded team.  They will compete again at the Space City tournament in League City on Saturday November 18th."- Mr. Miller     Great job

"The swim team had their first meet and did phenomenal!  Emily Benoit took 2nd in her heat in Freestyle and back stroke.  Addison Steltz took 3rd in Breaststroke and April Zoch took 4th in their heat.  The swimmers have worked so hard."- Mrs. Davis    Thumbs up!

Survival Techniques 101

This week we have 2 hilarious videos for your enjoyment.  Mr. Eddie B discusses the day after Halloween classes while Mr. Gerry Brooks has some awesome ideas on how to help you get through those November Blues.  Enjoy!