Friday, September 22, 2017

Week of September 25

Homecoming week 2017!  This week is going to be a busy week on the activity front.  Things kick off with the annual dress up.  

Monday- Superheroes vs Supervillians
Tuesday- Athletes vs Mathletes

Wednesday- Rappers vs Rockers   Submit your request for my attire (concert tshirt...Van Halen, AC/DC, Metallica, Guns N Roses, Def Leppard, or Motley Crue)  I will try my best to accommodate.  Winner will be obvious!

Thursday- Past vs Future
Friday- Battles of the classes

Friday afternoon in the auditorium lobby we will be celebrating this year's Wall of Honor inductees.  The reception will begin at 5 p.m..

Please make sure you have submitted your TTESS goals.

The honeymoon is slowly wearing off and some students have already begun to "push buttons".  Before things get too far along make sure parent notification has occurred.  Most parents can help end the minor issues.

TEAM 1 is on duty this week.  Regardless of which team you are on it is your responsibility to be where assigned and on time.

Next Week's Activities

9/24-9/25 Class hall decorating
9/26 volleyball @ BC
9/26 swim team meeting @ 6:30
9/27 FCCLA meeting @ 7:30 a.m.
9/27 bass club meeting @ 6:30
9/28 jv football @ wos
9/28 Bonfire @ 7pm
9/29 football vs wos
9/29 volleyball vs of
9/29 Wall of Honor ceremony @ 5:00
9/30 Homecoming parade
9/30 Homecoming Dance

The Trophy Case

The Process Operating students had an opportunity to visit the training facility at LIT .

"Along with practices and games the Lady Tigers volleyball team has been pulling together to help out other teams that were affected by Hurricane Harvey.  Above are pictures from the presentation of gift bags for the HJ Lady Hawks and back packs full of goodies for the WOS Lady Mustangs.  Thank you to everyone that took part in making all of this possible."- Coach Hicks

Survival Techniques 101