Friday, September 15, 2017

Week of September 18

Thank you to everyone for a great start to the new school year.  You all have done a great job working with the students and staff who have needed assistance.  If you know of a student still in need please let a counselor know.  If the past few weeks have not shown us anything else it has shown how much the SHS staff is a family.

Although there are still a few schedules to tweak the students should be settling in at this point.  Class meetings have occurred and Mr. Trevino has shared the expectations.  Everyone needs to be on board with these expectations.  Do not be the under-miner of your peers.

In order to get back on schedule Team 3 needs to be on duty starting Monday.

Please submit your TTESS goals through Eduphoria.

Students need to be in class and not roaming hallways.

Any trophies from last year that your group earned needs to be removed from the main case.  Let's fill it up again!

Next Week's Activities

9/19 Volleyball vs WOS

9/20 Homecoming Court parent meeting @ 5pm
9/20 Bass Club @ 6:30pm
9/21 JV football @ PNG (added)
9/22 Volleyball vs Woodville

The Trophy Case

The Student Council has been busy thus far.  They planned a daycare day and helped chalk the campus prior to the first day.

The ECHS students at their Summer Bridge workshops.

Please submit any student accolades with pictures!

Staff Stew

This week's entry comes Mona Bodle.  She is submitting a new recipe she has discovered.

Bundt Cake Breakfast

1 cup diced ham
2 c tater tots....still frozen
1 dozen whisked eggs
1 can (8) Pilsbury Grands biscuits....diced up raw
2 c Cheese of your choice
1/4 c milk

All mixed together.  Put in greased bundt pan.  Bake at 400 degrees for 45 minutes.  After cooked flip onto platter and cut and serve.

We are waiting to see this Mona!

Have a new recipe you'd like to share?  Movie review? Outstanding book to share? Cool place you've visited? Etc. etc. etc.  I would like to offer an opportunity to share your non-school related activities and adventures.

Survival Techniques 101