Thursday, March 2, 2017

Week of March 6

There are lots of activities that are/have been going on.  A big thank you needs to go out to all of those staff members who have been coaching, leading, organizing, etc. all of these events.  Once again the campus and students are excelling.  This success is because all of you are doing a tremendous job preparing our students.  

Next week is already full of activities with the possibility more may be added and altering schedules.  Please make note of any changes and prepare accordingly.

Next week's activities

3/6 Kiwanis chili cook off in cafe @ 6pm
3/7 Balfour @ lunches
3/7 band contest in auditorium
3/7 One act play @ Lamar PA
3/7 baseball vs EC
3/7 softball @ Diboll
3/7 boys soccer @ Diboll
3/7 girls soccer @ Diboll
3/8 Science presentations in auditorium
3/8 NHS banquet @ 6pm
3/9 district OAP
3/9 track @ BC
3/9-3/11 shs baseball tournament
3/10 boys soccer vs Center
3/10 girls soccer vs Center
3/10-3/11 State basketball in San Antonio ?

The Trophy Case

John Eason and the GOLD! team took home the Amaze Award for best engineered robot at the VEX Robotics South Texas State Championship last weekend.

Congratulations to Cody Camden for being the Ricebelt District Officer parliamentarian. 

Congratulations to Matt Phelps and Clint Tarkington for placing third place in the District 5 Ag Talent Contest.

Basketball playing North Forest at Sam Houston State.  With the win the Tigers have advanced to the Regional Tournament.

No picture but the following guys have qualified for the Regional Powerlifting meet next week: Daniel Grant, Johnathan Hageon, and Marquell Hale.  Great Job!

Survival Tips 101

With this week being Read Across America week and Dr. Seuss's birthday this week's Survival 101 shares two new books for you to enjoy.