Thursday, February 23, 2017

Week of February 28

Monday February 27 is a teacher prep day.  Six weeks grades are due by noon to Mrs. Tomas.  There will be departmental meetings scheduled for the morning so please do not wait until the last minute to have your grades entered.  In the meetings you will need to review your EOC data and unit assessments.  Your lessons will need to be planned/based off of the collected information.

The ELA EOC is rapidly approaching.  Ms. Webb has sent out EOC training notices for the entire campus.  Wednesday 3/1 there will be a morning and after noon training.  Friday 3/3 there will also be a morning session.  These are mandatory please make appropriate plans to attend one of these times.  There are only three instructional weeks left with the possibility of interruptions due to extracurricular events.

Mrs. Feather has a training scheduled for those who are helping with 8th grade registration @ 3:30pm on 3/2.

If you have not noticed the counselors have a new screen in the main hall near social studies.  Ms. Webb has been  able to keep updated announcements and information regarding scholarships etc..  It is basically a digital activity board that runs off of a usb memory fob.  It is easier to keep updated versus the paper cut out style boards.  I have had several electrical outlets placed above the drop ceiling.  If your club/class/etc. would like to purchase a similar setup let us know.

This week's activities

2/26-2/27 Ag contest in auditorium
2/28 baseball @ wb
2/28 softball vs Jasper
2/28 Pinecrest in auditorium @ 6pm
3/1 PVAC in auditorium for jr high
3/1 EOC training in library @ 7am and 3:30pm
3/2-3/4 baseball @ rogers tournament
3/2-3/4 softball@ liberty tournament
3/2 track @ vidor
3/2 8th grade registration training
3/2 8th grade endorsement night in auditorium
3/3 EOC training @7am
3/3 boys and girls soccer vs jasper
3/4 Jazz band spaghetti dinner in cafe

The Trophy Case

At the main entrance you may have noticed a new trophy case.  This is the trophy case we mentioned at the beginning of the school year.  Mike Newell with maintenance has done a great job creating the case to meet our vision.  The goal is to fill the case each year with our student achievements.  As your groups receives trophies, plaques, etc. please take pictures.  There will be a screen that scrolls.

Congratulations to our girls basketball team on a great season!

Survival Techniques 101

In this week's tip we offer several methods to reduce stress.  There are several "high-end recipes" for the budget minded.  Enjoy!