Friday, February 23, 2018

Week of February 26

This time of year traditionally the students begin getting restless.  We begin heading into a tough stretch just prior to Spring Break.  As an old Silsbee administrator once said, "the sap begins rising." This year is no different in regards to that "sap".

The past two weeks have been a rough period on the campus.  Unfortunately we have had several of our students going through troubling times.  The number one priority of a school is the safety of the students.  When discussing safety it is more than just the physical safety it also includes the mental/psychological aspect as well.  It has truly been heartbreaking with some of the issues.  We are truly appreciative to everyone who has been working with the students and bringing to light some of these problems.  If you believe or are made aware of a student in need of assistance please visit with the student's counselor or an administrator.
In regards to the other areas of safety please continue to monitor and report any suspicious or concerning information you receive.

We have officially reached the 5th six week grading period.  Please have your grades in before noon Monday 2/26.

Team 2 is on duty next week.
morning: Hillin, Beeler, R. Moore, Singletary, D. Drake, Westbrook, Holmes, McKeehan, McGallion, Trabing, Szemborski, Carillo

afternoon: S. Moore, Bourque, Calloway, Ortego, Herrera

Activities Next Week

2/24 tigerette tryouts
2/24 Masters Men Concert
2/25-2/26  FFA Ricebelt Convention
2/26 girls golf @ wildwood
2/27 baseball @lumberton
2/28 NHS banquet
3/1 balfor during lunches
3/1 track @ vidor
3/1-3/3 baseball @ rogers tournament
3/1-3/3 jv softball @ colmesneil
3/1-3/3 softball @ liberty tournament
3/2 boys golf @ larry paine
3/2 boys soccer @ jasper
3/2 girls soccer @ jasper
3/2 tennis @ png
3/3 jazz band spaghetti dinner

The Trophy Case

This past weekend, FCCLA attended the Region 4 Conference and Competition. 
Cambrie Root and Kaylee McGallion both were elected as Region officers for the 2018-2019 school year.  Jalacy Thomas received 1st place in her category "Teach and Train".  Whitney Reeves received 1st place in her category "Job Interview".  Natalie Padrone received 5th place in her category "Career Investigation".  Tonia Benuelos, Lacy Musselwhite, and Shawn Robey received 6th place in their category "Chapter Service Project".  All are advancing to the State Competition.

Congratulations to the Building Trades Class as they competed for the first time in Cabinetry at the Skills USA District meet in College Station.  Kevin Camden placed 2nd overall, Skylar Hooks received 3rd place honors and Brady Carter also competed and placed 4th.

Silsbee HVAC took 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Place at their Skills USA competition.  All 4 students will progress to the state competition in Corpus Christi later this year.  Congrats!