Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Week of January 29

This has been another interrupted semester start with snow days.  Hopefully this semester doesn't have too many unexpected interruptions. I apologize about not being able to get an updated activity list out to start this week.

Luckily this grading period is actually a seven week period.  Progress reports however will be going out next week.  Please have your grades submitted to Mrs. Tomas by noon Monday 1/29.

With the spring semester brings a lot of tutorials and extra time.  If you are scheduled for tutorials (paid tutorials) please be sure to get your time sheets completed for Mrs. Harrison.

Mrs. McDonald has ran a fall semester report and the new dress code has dramatically helped to curb out of class time due to tardies. Overall they have dropped by over 40%.  In light of those results some teachers still need to address a few issues in their classrooms.  Hats are NOT permitted to be worn in your classroom.  Please be consistent, it undermines those other teachers who are following the rules.

Please be visible during transitions and in your class when the tardy bell rings. 

For those teachers needing formal evaluations this year they will be getting scheduled.  Those teachers will be having their initial conference in the near future.

If you have any group activities such as banquet, trips, etc. they need to get on the calendar.  My calendar is rapidly filling up for this school year.  Do not wait until the last minute.  I appreciate everyone who has met and set up their spring activities.

Unfortunately due to the bad weather last week we will have to make up some time.  Staff will now be required to have a work day on February 19 which was originally a President's Day holiday.  The workdays originally scheduled for February 26 and April 16 will now be regular school days with students.  Hourly staff will need to make up 12 hours.  Those hours must be administratively approved.

Mrs. Youngblood is still looking for chaperones for the Valentine dance.  Hourly folks can get credit if they assist.  Please let her know if you can help out.

We are stretched very thin in terms of coverages until the first week of April.  If you have any activities or sporting events that are getting changed please submit those changes in a timely manner.  There are logistics such as custodial, security, etc that must be worked out.  Your emergency/urgency will not be the emergency/urgency of others.

Next week activities

1/26 boys basket ball vs BC
1/26 girls basketball @ BC
1/26 boys soccer vs shepherd
1/26 girls soccer @ lcm
1/26-1/27 ATSSB region band on campus
1/28 Lions club (Leo) magic show @ 3pm
1/29 boys golf @ jasper
1/30 boys basketball @ of
1/30 girls basketball vs of
1/30 boys soccer @ ec
1/30 softball scrimmage vs evadale and kirbyville
1/30-2/1 seniors honors trip
1/31 girls golf @ anahuac
2/1 career expo at Ford park
2/2 boys basketball @ hf
2/2 boys soccer vs hf
2/2 girls basketball vs hf
2/2 girls soccer vs ec
2/3 softball scrimmage @ shepherd
2/3 uil solo and ensemble

The Trophy Case

Team GOLD! visited the middle school to show off their robotic prowess.  The teams have been battling the NASA sponsored schools and qualified both teams for state.  Awesome job!

The flags have been doing a good job this year and will promoting their group by performing at the middle school next week.

Last week we had several students and staff present at the Board meeting.  It was very well received.  Several members commented on it being the best Board meeting they have ever had.  Excellent job everyone!

Survival Techniques 101

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