Friday, December 22, 2017

Week of January 8

We truly hope you and your family have a restful Christmas break and Holiday Season.  Thank You for everything you do for our students and high school family.  Merry Christmas!

Activities for the next 3 weeks

12/27-12/29 boys basketball @ Dallas
12/28-12/30 girls basketball @ College Station
1/2 boys basketball @ woodville
1/2 boys soccer @ vidor
1/2 girls basketball vs lufkin
1/4-1/6 boys soccer @ png
1/4- 1/6 girls soccer @ palestine
1/5 girls basketball @ wos
1/8 teacher prep day
1/9 boys basketball @ hj
1/9 girls basketball vs bc
1/9 boys soccer @ bc
1/11-1/13 girls soccer @ png
1/12 boys basketball vs of
1/12 girls basketball @ of

The Trophy Case

Mackenzie Sears receives her $100 check for winning the Junior League Gingerbread House competition.

Robotics team GOLD! is on a win streak after winning their second tournament in two weeks.  Both of the team's robots are now advancing to the state tournament in February.  Great job!

Survival Techniques 101

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