Thursday, May 25, 2017

Week of May 29

Summer time is finally here.  I hope you all have a restful break.  Enjoy your families and recharge your batteries.

If you have plans for exchange days for next school year please make sure they are entered in Eduphoria and approved by Mr. Trevino.

Please make sure you have your check lists complete and turned in to Mrs. Harrison before you leave for the summer.

Thanks for following this "low- budget" blog this year.  I am hoping to possibly expand and allow more teacher contributions (movie reviews, recipes, crafts ideas, etc.) in the future.

Activities next week

5/29 Memorial Day Holiday
Work for those of us still on contract.

The Trophy Case

Great job to the baseball team on a successful season.  They had an awesome season but unfortunately came up just short in last weekend's baseball playoffs.

Congratulations to all of those who took teams to events throughout the year.

Remember we will be clearing out the new trophy case in August.  The campus goal next year is to fill the trophy case.

Survival Techniques 101

In this heading into summer tip we discuss the dos and don'ts of summer break.........summer feet!