Friday, May 12, 2017

Week of May 15

We are rapidly closing the school year.  The seniors will be having finals Thursday and Friday of this week.  Their exemption forms will be given out Tuesday during their Government/Economic classes.  Please remind all students not just the seniors that their fines, fees, and holds must be taken care of to be eligible for exemptions.  ABSOLUTELY NO EXAMS ARE TO BE GIVEN EARLIER THAN THE ASSIGNED PERIOD!  All classes must have a final scheduled. The seniors have until 3 p.m. Wednesday May 17 to have all of their outstanding issues taken care of for exemptions.
We will have the traditional 8 period day during senior finals with finals occurring in their 1st,3rd, 5th, and 7th periods on Thursday and 2nd,4th,6th, and 8th on Friday.

DO NOT let students out during class time to get teacher signatures, pay fines, visit with counselors etc.  They have the opportunity to meet those folks before and after school as well as during lunch.

Next week's activities

5/15 Scholarship night
5/16 Spring choir concert
5/17 SMS choir practice
5/18 SMS choir concert
5/18 senior exams 1,3,5,7
5/19 senior exams 2,4,6,8
5/19 athletic physicals @ 2pm
5/19 cheer banquet

The Trophy Case

Last week the SHS band had their annual concert.  It was a great performance by those students and Mr. Patterson.

Good Luck this week to the baseball team as they try to advance to the next round of the playoffs.

The state track meet is this weekend.  We have the possibility of bringing home another state championship if everything falls according to plan.  Fingers crossed.

Great job to all of the students who participated in the annual talent show.

Survival Techniques 101

This time of year many new teachers are trying to enter the field.  Some teachers may be looking at going to other places.  In this weeks tip we offer a few suggestions to get your resume noticed.

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