Thursday, April 20, 2017

Week of April 24

Activities next week

4/24 NCAA recruiting night in cafeteria
4/24 bass club meeting
4/25 baseball vs wos
4/26 TPSP presentations in auditorium
4/26 ECHS parent meeting in cafeteria
4/27 Jazz concert
4/28 Pinecrest youth program @ 6:30pm
4/29 bass club banquet @ Methodist church

The Trophy Case

Evie Short reached the quarterfinals in singles at the Regional Tennis Tournament.  The boy's doubles consisting of Ben Adams and Jacob Fisher also reached the quarterfinals.  Great Job!

Mackenzie Sears is District Champion in girls golf.

Wendy Reeves placed first at the state FCCLA STAR Event National Programs in Action.  Clayton Talley  finished the year as FCCLA Region IV President.  He also was on the nominating committee that interviewed state officers for the 2017-2018 school year.  Cambrie Root has become the FCCLA Region IV Vice President of Parliamentary Law.  She will also be a voting delegate at the national conference in Nashville this summer.  Kennedi Gilder was a judge at this year's state convention and Sydni Whitted and Cambrie Root were timekeepers.

Sarah Harper presented a project to the English teachers on Monday.  She established communication internship that will impact students interested in this field for years to come.  Nice job, Sarah.

Survival Techniques 101

In this week's Survival 101 we offer a few suggestions that will surely put you on the state testing irregularity report.