Friday, April 7, 2017

Week of April 10

This week officially kicks off the banquet tour.  Over the next few weeks the various departments begin recognizing their students and achievements from throughout the year.  Everyone is invited!

Several groups are advancing in their competition areas.  Good luck to the UIL academic, HVAC, Criminal Justice, FCCLA, Track, and Tennis teams as they continue their quests.

If anyone would like to help chaperon the Prom this weekend please see Michelle Drake.

Please continue to monitor the hallways during transition times.

Remember the classroom academic "S" awards nominations are needed to Mrs. McDonald's office by next Thursday April 13.  If you have already submitted thank you if not we need to get those in! You may nominate 2 students per subject taught (not 2 per period).  These students will be honored at our awards program on May 8th.

Activities this week

4/10 Athletic banquet
4/11 spring blood drive (Mrs. Hardy has scheduled those students please do not just send students)
4/11 ATPE in cafe @ 6pm
4/11 baseball vs bc
4/11 softball vs bc
4/13 baseball @ of
4/13 softball @ of
4/13 jv track @ lcm

The Trophy Case

The band at their competition in San Antonio last weekend.  They won the Best of Class at the Alamo Showcase of Music.  Great job!

Clint Tarkington, Donovan Nichols, and Hayden Daugherty won grand champion at Cleveland Dairy Days.  The team also won the Safety Award as well as the Most Needy (They asked the best and most questions relating to industry standards.) Keep it Up!

Congratulations to the Tiger Tennis Team. Evie Short has advanced to regionals following her District Singles Championship.  The boy's team won first place at district.  The Doubles teams of Ben Adams and Jacob Fisher along with  Dylan Wilson and Brian Mohabir have advanced to regionals.  The regional tournament will be at Bryan High School on April 17 and 18.  Awesome job!